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Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine & Physiology Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine & Physiology

Space Shuttle Research Gallery

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ucsts95-004 STS-95
Members of the "Sleep Team" chat with Payload Specialist Chiaki Mukai (Japan) at Kennedy Space Center.


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STS-95: Payload Specialist Chiaki Mukai trains on the cognitive performance battery with Eymard Riel from Brigham and Women's Hospital.


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STS-95: UCSD investigator Ann Elliott inside the SpaceHab module at Kennedy Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: The Space Shuttle Columbia was almost directly over the San Diego, California, area when this scene was captured with a 70mm handheld camera. Among the many bodies of water visible in the photo are San Diego Bay, Mission Bay, Lower Otay Reservoir, Sweetwater Reservoir and El Capitan Reservoir. UCSD, home of the ALFE experiment, is located just northeast of La Jolla's "knob" at the top of the photo.


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Neurolab STS-90: Flight surgeon Tom Marshburn is instrumented for the "sleep experience" while Ann Elliott, Derk-Jan Dijk, and Eymard Riel check the impedances of his sleep net.


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Neurolab STS-90: UCSD investigator Kim Prisk prepares the ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) for crew testing at the data collection facility at Johnson Space Center.


Image 7/54: Neurolab STS-90: Alternate Payload Specialist Chiaki Mukai checks her sleep recorder channels on the PI-in-a-box system during L-30 while Dennis Heher looks on.

Neurolab STS-90: Alternate Payload Specialist Chiaki Mukai checks her sleep recorder channels on the PI-in-a-box system during L-30 while Dennis Heher looks on.



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Neurolab STS-90: UCSD investigator Trevor Cooper at the data collection facility at Johnson Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: Alternate Payload Specialist Alex Dunlap performs his standing PFT (pulmonary function test) run at the L-30 (launch minus 30 days) test session.


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Neurolab STS-90: UCSD investigator Kim Prisk chats with medical monitor Terry Pattinson at the data collection facility at Johnson Space Center.



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Neurolab STS-90: Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan performs his supine PFT (pulmonary function test) run at the L-30 (launch minus 30 days) test session.


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Neurolab STS-90: UCSD investigators Kim Prisk, Ann Elliott, and Janelle Fine at the data collection facility at Johnson Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: Payload Specialist Jim Pawelczyk is instrumented by Ann Elliott for his ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) run at Launch-30 days while medical monitor Terry Pattinson looks on.



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Neurolab STS-90: Jay Buckey performs the ALFE Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) sequence supine during the L-30 (launch minus 30 days) data collection session at Johnson Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: Astronaut Dafydd (Dave) R. Williams of the Canadian Space Agency prepares to initiate a test of UCSD's ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) equipment during crew training. In the Spacelab, the Neurolab crew will use a sophisticated lung function system that tests how the brain controls the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. Crew members will breathe into a mouthpiece, and premeasured gas test mixtures will be delivered to them as part of the test protocol.


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Neurolab STS-90: Jay Buckey checks Dave Williams' instrumentation during an ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) training session in the JSC Bldg. 36 SpaceLab Mockup.


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Neurolab STS-90: Payload Specialist Jay Buckey helps out during Neurolab's level III/II ICT at Kennedy Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: UCSD investiagtor Kim Prisk changes ALFE's scrubber bag during Neurolab's level III/II ICT at Kennedy Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: Payload Specialist Jay Buckey and ALFE team member Janelle Fine in the User Room at Kennedy Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: UCSD investigator Kim Prisk stands by the ALFE rack in the Neurolab Spacelab module at Kennedy Space Center.


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Neurolab STS-90: Payload Specialist Jay Buckey performs UCSD's ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) during the Neurolab mission onboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Columbia.


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Neurolab STS-90: Payload Specialist Jay Buckey instruments Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan for sleep studies during the STS-90 Neurolab mission. The equipment includes the sleep net (a mesh cap that monitors and records brain waves); a Respiratory Inductance Plethysmograph (RIP) suit used to monitor respiration; and an activity monitor, a device worn on the wrist to detect and record body movement. Data on brain waves, eye movements, respiration, heart rate, and oxygen concentration are routed to a portable data recorder. The entire system has capabilities similar to a fully equipped sleep laboratory on Earth.


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Neurolab STS-90: Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan is ready for sleep studies during the STS-90 Neurolab mission. The equipment includes the sleep net (a mesh cap that monitors and records brain waves); a Respiratory Inductance Plethysmograph (RIP) suit used to monitor respiration; and an activity monitor, a device worn on the wrist to detect and record body movement. Data on brain waves, eye movements, respiration, heart rate, and oxygen concentration are routed to a portable data recorder. The entire system has capabilities similar to a fully equipped sleep laboratory on Earth.


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Neurolab STS-90: Mission Specialist Kathryn (Kay) Hire performs UCSD's ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) during the Neurolab mission onboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Columbia.


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Neurolab STS-90: Mission Specialist Kathryn (Kay) Hire performs UCSD's ALFE (Astronaut Lung Function Experiment) during the Neurolab mission onboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Columbia.


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LMS STS-78: UCSD investigators Kim Prisk and Ann Elliott monitor flight activities at Johnson Space Center's Science Center during the LMS shuttle mission.


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LMS STS-78: Mission Specialist Susan Helms performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LLMS STS-78: Mission Specialist Susan Helms performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LMS STS-78: Mission Specialist Susan Helms performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LMS STS-78: J.J. Favier (European Space Agency) performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission while Mission Specialist Susan Helms looks on.


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LMS STS-78: J.J. Favier (European Space Agency) uses a mask to perform his oxygen prebreathe during UCSD's ALFE experiment.


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LMS STS-78: J.J. Favier (European Space Agency) performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LMS STS-78: J.J. Favier (European Space Agency) looks at his checklist as he performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LMS STS-78: J.J. Favier (European Space Agency) performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LMS STS-78: Mission Specialist Rick Linnehan performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission.


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LMS STS-78: Bob Thirsk (Canadian Space Agency) performs UCSD's ALFE experiment on board the LMS mission.


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Bob Thirsk (Canadian Space Agency) performs UCSD's ALFE experiment on board the LMS mission.


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Spacelab Life Sciences 2 module
LMS STS-78: J.J. Favier (European Space Agency) performs UCSD's ALFE experiment during the LMS mission while Mission Specialist Susan Helms looks on.


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Spacelab Life Sciences 2 module
STS058-76-041: The Spacelab Life Sciences 2 (SLS-2) module sits in the payload bay of Columbia during the STS-58 mission in 1993.


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SLS-1 Module
The Spacelab module carrying the Spacelab Life Sciences 1 payload sits in the payload bay of Columbia during the STS-40 flight.


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UCSD investigator Kim Prisk in front of the SpaceHab module at Kennedy Space Center.


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The "Sleep Team" poses with the SpaceHab module at Kennedy Space Center.


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The SpaceHab module in the KSC processing facility being readied for flight.


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U.S. Sen. John H. Glenn, Jr., STS-95 payload specialist, equipped with sleep monitoring equipment stands near his sleep station on the middeck of the Earth-orbiting space shuttle Discovery.


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U.S. Sen. John H. Glenn Jr., equipped with sleep monitoring equipment, stands near his sleep station on the mid deck of the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Discovery.


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The Space Shuttle Columbia was almost directly over the San Diego, California, area when this scene was captured with a 70mm handheld camera. In order for north to appear toward the top of the frame, it should be held with the Pacific Ocean waters to the left. Among the many bodies of water visible in the photo are Mission Bay, San Diego Bay, Lower Otay Reservoir, Sweetwater Reservoir and El Capitan Reservoir.


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The Neurolab Spacelab module at level III/II testing at Kennedy Space Center.


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Mission Specialist Kathryn Hire prepares for sleep study experiments during the Neurolab mission onboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Columbia. April 20, 1998


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Astronaut Dafydd (Dave) R. Williams, a mission specialist representing the Canadian Space Agency (CSA), is a test subject for the Sleep Studies experiment in the Neurolab aboard the Earth-orbiting Space Shuttle Columbia. The sleep cap monitors and measures electrical impulses from the brain, muscles, eyes, and heart. The photo was taken with an electronic still camera (ESC) at 04:19:00 GMT, April 21, 1998.


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Jay C. Buckey, Jr., STS-90 payload specialist, prepares to initiate a test of the equipment during crew training. In the Spacelab, the Neurolab crew will use a sophisticated lung function system that tests how the brain controls the concentrations of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the blood. Crew members will breathe into a mouthpiece, and premeasured gas test mixtures will be delivered to them as part of the test protocol.


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During STS-90 crew training, Dafydd R. (Dave) Williams, mission specialist (seated), and Alexander W. Dunlap, alternate payload specialist, instrument themselves for sleep studies in the Space Shuttle mid-deck mock-up. The equipment includes the sleep net (a mesh cap that monitors and records brain waves); a Respiratory Inductance Plethysmograph (RIP) suit used to monitor respiration; and an activity monitor, a device worn on the wrist to detect and record body movement. Data on brain waves, eye movements, respiration, heart rate, and oxygen concentration are routed to a portable data recorder. The entire system has capabilities similar to a fully equipped sleep laboratory on Earth.


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JJ.J. Favier (European Space Agency) instruments himself to perform UCSD's ALFE experiment.


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Pilot Kevin Kregel sets up to perform UCSD's ALFE experiment on board the LMS mission.


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Pilot Kevin Kregel performs UCSD's ALFE experiment on board the LMS mission.