About Owens Lab
We have diverse interests in sleep in and out of the hospital, and why that might be important for overall health and well-being. Out of the hospital this includes the pathogenesis and consequences of obstructive sleep apnea, the most common respiratory disorder in the developed world, and the increasing use of technology to monitor and increase understanding about sleep. In the hospital, we are interested in how sleep is disrupted for both patients and family members, and how this might lead to conditions such as ICU delirium.
Mazen Odish recently published a review of proning in non-intubated patients for COVID-19 in the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. Read More
Matt Light's article on augmenting adherence in the management of sleep apnea was published in Respirology. Read More
Amy Bellinghausen was interviewed by NPR on Post-ICU Syndrome in COVID. Read More
Stuti Jaiswal 's RCT on Melatonin and Sleep for prevention of hospital delirium was published in the American Journal of Medicine. Read More