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Respiratory Biology Research Program

This training program in Respiratory Biology started 5 years ago, and the T32 supporting it is currently under review. The foundation for this program were 2 independent T32s from the Division of Lung Diseases to the UC San Diego Divisions of Pulmonary Physiology (under John West and Peter Wagner) and Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine (under Kenneth Moser and later Peter Wagner). Our new training grant represents a collaboration between these divisions in the UC San Diego Department of Medicine and other departments for integrative training in respiratory biology with a focus on potential translation of results from bench to bedside. We continue a collaborative organization with Drs. Frank Powell and Atul Malhotra from the Divisions of Physiology and Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine (PCCM), respectively, as co-directors.


The program has evolved considerably, especially in mentoring and multidisciplinary research. We have expanded the research opportunities to better prepare trainees for participating effectively in team science and continually renewing their approaches to novel research questions that will arise during their career. Research opportunities have considerably increased by involving more faculty (including Dr. Malhotra) by formalizing participation and levels of mentorship based on increasing experience and changes in research funding.

This increased breadth is possible with individualized development plans for the trainees that utilize unique combinations of research and training capabilities across multiple units to match a trainee's interests. We maintain our dedication to a training program that includes every phase of academic career development, from predoctoral trainees to senior faculty members, with all levels of faculty participating in formal mentorship training.

We also maintain our commitment to integrating basic and clinical science by training PhDs and MDs and teaching them to interact in a collaborative manner. The program promotes translation of respiratory biology and physiology into pulmonary medicine by organizing regular, formal interactions between trainees supported by the T32 with all other trainees in the Divisions of Physiology and PCCM laboratories and the PCCM clinical faculty. We are committed to the next generation not only by attracting and retaining the best and brightest into our field but by inspiring future leaders of respiratory science. We are proud of our success to date, as we already have several examples of first-rate independent investigators generated through our T32 program.


Primary mentor: Trainees select a primary mentor in one of the research themes of the program. Primary mentors are identified by (1) current R01 funding, (2) success of trainees from the standpoint of extramural funding and productivity, (3) feedback from the trainees regarding the availability of the mentor, and (4) participation of the mentor in educational activities including SAMs. Primary mentors also must have had at least 3 successful trainees (either pre-doc or post-doc) and thus, tend to be more senior faculty.

Secondary mentors: Trainees also select secondary mentors, including Associate preceptors who may be more junior researchers who have had fewer successful trainees to date or who bring expertise to the program in one of the disciplinary themes that provide breadth and depth to our training program.